In a report made by, a shortlist of deleted scenes from The Two Towers were presented. We can only hope that these scenes will feature in The Two Towers extended edition next year.

→ NEW! Faramir discovering Boromir's horn cloven in two as it washes ashore/Boromir appearing in a flashback sequence. The source here is The Complete Sean Bean, Article 18/01/02, Empire magazine and Tolkien Online, where it was described as "Faramir wades in Anduin as low-lying elven boat passes by." This new Extended TTT picture shows the very scene.

→ NEW! From Faramir and Boromir celebrating victory at Osgiliath. "Boromir gives a smiling Faramir a chalice of beer and says "Remember today, little brother. Today, life is good. Cheers!" Click here for the very picture and here for another of the smiling pair at Osgiliath.

→ NEW! From Tolkien Online: Frodo telling Faramir in Henneth Annun "If something has happened to Boromir, then we would have you tell us" and Faramir replying "His horn washed up on the riverbank. It was cloven in two." We have already seen a picture of the cloven horn so this seems likely!

→ NEW! From Tolkien Online: "Boromir pulls a peeved-looking Denethor into a side room during the celebration. Boromir: [pleadingly]" He loves you, father." Denethor: "Do not trouble me with Faramir. I know his uses and they are few." [Noble does a good job.] Boromir looks upset."

→ A beautiful Faramir soliloquy post-battle with the men of Harad, where he asks rhetorically "I wonder what his name was, where his home is, his family. Was he really evil at heart, or did the Dark Lord deceive him, as he has deceived so many others? What lies or threats led him on the long march from his home?" The source here is Leonides Tolkien-Movies Forum Post 7/23/02. This is not exactly true to the book - it is Sam who follows this train of thought.

→ From Tolkien Online: "Boromir setting out for Rivendell on horseback, Faramir looks distressed." This has been confirmed by Peter Jackson ("We did this great scene with Sean Bean and David Wenham and John Noble, who is their father, and it's really a scene that takes place just before Boromir rides off to the capture of Elrond." and  the Financial Times, Dec 29 2002 ("Peter Jackson said the flashback between Boromir, Faramir, and Denethor (supposedly before Boromir takes off for Imladris) was one of the hardest to cut.") Thankyou Chris for all the info : 9

→ Faramir showing Frodo and Sam a way out of Osgiliath through the sewers. The source here is, although there is this picture of Sam and Frodo in the sewers.

I regret enormously that these scenes were not included. These simple scenes alone could have helped to salvage the sentimental side of Faramir's character - showing the great love he had for his brother, and his gentle, pacifist nature.



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