The Nature of Faramir? - NZ Strider
This essay attempts to justify the change in Faramir in the Two Towers movie. Do we really know the true nature of this man - is his movie transformation really so impossible?
The Nature of Faramir: A Response - Eleanor the Eldest
This essay was written in retaliation to NZ Strider's 'The Nature of Faramir', which argues against the changes made to Faramir in the film.
Guess who's coming to disaster - Michael Martinez
This essay includes a good number of points on the relationship between Faramir and Éowyn, with some Tolkien quotes.
The Men who would be Stewards - Michael Martinez
A closer look at the Stewards of Gondor, particularly Boromir and Faramir, but indulges a bit in the history of actual Stewards.
Macho Men and Warrior Princesses - Kara Gardner
Kara sees Faramir as a strong pro-feminist figure in Lord of the Rings - here she explains her reasons why.