Argh, here's the deal. I started university last September and instantly found myself with very little time to work on the site. I'm really sorry for the lack of updates, but soon I'll be changing the layout as well as adding all the Return of the King info. Also a big, big thankyou to Chris for taking over the hosting of this site! Go visit her collective - it's a veritable treasure box of Gondor related goodies ^_^

→ Added two more links and updated Wenham Wonderland link (thanks, Al!)

So I've been trying to create a new layout, without much success. And I'm going to university in two weeks so I don't know when I'll get one finished. But I did get a couple of things done this week, including checking out two more History of Middle Earth books on my friend's library account (thanks for carrying your card, Lynnette!). While there wasn't really a lot of gritty Faramir details to enjoy, there was a delightful little bit about Faramir and Éowyn in the early draft and how they began using more familiar speech with each other as time passed. I've added it to the Tolkien section in the 'Steward and the Shieldmaiden' pop-up. Also - to the 'Faith' who sent me the beautiful animated button, I did receive it and tried to e-mail back but I got a server response error message. Hotmail doesn't let me download gifs you see, I was hoping that you could maybe re-send it to me over messanger or something!

→ New wallpaper (thanks, BetRiddle!)
→ More TTT Extended pictures! (thanks, Judy!)
→ More survey results
→ New blend (thanks, Cadiniel!)
→ Fleshed out some of the Faramir/Éowyn pop-up sections - 'Future', 'Opinions', 'Love' and especially 'Tolkien'
→ Added a teensy bit of info to the Faramir section - about his Gardens in Ithilien being designed by Legolas!

Wow, things went boom overnight! I've added some more TTT Extended pictures that I previously missed, along with some great new RoTK tidbits!

→ New RoTK spoilers!
→ Edited Extended DVD news with some more picture links
→ Even more TTT Extended pictures!


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