Name: David Wenham
Height: 6ft 1
Birthdate: 21 September 1965 (37yrs, starsign Virgo)
Birthplace: Marrickville, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Siblings: 1 brother, 5 sisters (Peter, Helen, Anne, Carmel, Kathy, Maree - and David is the youngest)
Relationship Status: It was confirmed in an interview of 2001 that David had been dating the yoga instructor and actress Kate Agnew (whom he acted with in Molokai) since 1995. They are presumably still together as they were spotted at the Sydney Festival 2002 by a journalist.

David grew up in a Catholic family with 6 siblings. He attended Christian Brothers’ High School at Lewisham in Sydney. Before acting, David used to call bingo in Sydney's Marrickville Town hall, then was an insurance clerk. He graduated from the Theatre Nepean at the University of Western Sydney and moved to Kingswood, near Penrith. Thanks to the Australian TV series Seachange and its immense popularity, David went on to become one of Australia’s best known actors.

→ David had a portrait drawn of him by Adam Cullen which won the 2000 Archibald prize, Australia's most prestigious award for portraiture. You can view it by clicking here. David said of the entry "I approve, I certainly do... Cullen has certainly captured aspects and facets of my personality which I recognise... far too revealing to articulate."
→ One of David's favourite hangouts is Sydney's Rushcutters Bay Park
→ David is a skilled fencer
→ Here's a snapshot of David's signature

→ "I like cooking, but I like other people cooking more."
→ "I must give off the hey-don't-come-near-me vibe."
→ "I come to work every day and get yelled at by my father." - on Faramir
→ "How embarrassing. You're not going to show this on national television, surely?"
→ "I just thought it may have looked potentially a little sad; David Wenham's sad puppet show."
→ "My life at the moment is a bit like my wardrobe. Organised chaos."
→ "My fanbase? I'd say mid-fifties to the eighties."
→ "I've become hugely addicted to Crocodile Hunter. I saw his show on spitting snakes the other night. I was just about to go out and I was late because I kept saying to myself, 'one more ad break, one more ad break'. Sad but true."
→ "Rolling around in the dirt and whatever - I took to it like a pig in mud."
→ On being asked "Going back to your very first part ­ it was Sons And Daughters, wasn't it?" David replied "Oh God."

→ The Boys (Australian). Won the Australian Film Critics Circle award.
→ Seachange (TV series, Australian). This was the show that shot David to stardom. He enjoyed popularity as Daniel Della Bosca ("Diver Dan").
→ Molokai (Australian). David was 'Father Damien'. Check out this article for more information.
→ The Bank (Australian). Played maths genius, and found him an "intriguing character". Check out this interview for a little more info on the film.
→ Better Than Sex - Raunchy project in which David shows us he's not afraid to get his kit off.
→ Moulin Rouge - Minor role as the "effeminate writer" 'Audrey' - he did NOT play a woman. He said the part was a short but fun one.
Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers/The Return of the King - Faramir, of course!

... check out David's IMdb profile for the entire list.



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